Natural Remedies for Fall Allergies

At Home Allergy Remedies
Autumn brings beautiful weather and a huge rise in allergies. Here are some natural ways to help reduce the effects:
- Quercitin: This natural antihistamine is a component in fruits and vegetables usually taken twice (300mg) a day during allergy season.
- Stinging Nettle: A natural antihistamine with a slightly higher dosage.
- Vitamin C: Taken in high doses during allergy season, but reduced or eliminated during the off-season.
- Saline nasal spray (1/2 tsp. of salt dissolved in 1/2 cup of water) just before bedtime can significantly reduce “morning stuffiness.”
- HEPA filtration is the most efficient form of comfort system filtration. (Call us to get one in your size.)
- Overuse of moth cakes or scented candles can release chemicals and trigger allergies.
- Emptying the dishwasher can release chemicals through volatilization. If you’re sensitive to this, run your stove fan while emptying.
- Duct Sealing or Cleaning is about the most natural thing you can do! Having clean air in your home can eliminate the source of your aggravation. Call us for more information on this service.
Enjoy Clean Comfort
Dirt is the number one cause of comfort system failure. And yet it is one of the easiest things for you to take care of. Just give us a call and take advantage of our Fall Cleaning Tune-up. We will get your system ready to run at peak efficiency all season long. So call today to schedule your Fall Special. Your system – and your family – will thank you.